Friday, June 17, 2011

This Night is Sparkling; Don't You Let it Go. I'm Wonder-Struck; Blushing All the Way Home.

I'm getting sloppy here, I'm posting posts that are supposed to be posted the day before. Better catch on quick, if I want to make my goal!
"Goal, what goal?" you may be asking (sorry, I just came from a church activity, and one of the ladies there is just amazing! I love her sooo much, and whenever I spend time with her, I absorb some of her silly, goofy, dramatic, optimistic energy and it lasts for a couple of hours after that). Well, unless my memory is serving me incorrectly today, I have not mentioned my goal yet, nor will I tell you what it is until I meet it (don't worry, you'll find out in a couple of days!).
Today, I'm not going to write anything that is pertaining to this title post, but it will pertain to Arien (obviously - why wouldn't it??).
It's just that.... I miss him. So much. Too much, in fact. At least I know that it's the summer, and I'm not really going to be able to see anybody as often as I'd like, so that helps a bit, but I don't want to know what I'll have to do when the school year starts up again, and knowing that every time I pass by his locker, there will be no way I can see him; every time we have a school dance, he'll be nowhere to be found; and I'll never be able to go through the halls and randomly see him pass by, or even tap me on the shoulder to talk, if he's got the time. Not for another year and 2 and a half months, that is.

"I'll spend forever wondering if you knew..."

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