Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, My Love

Well, today's the day! Here's my goal; I'VE REACHED IT!!! Really, though, there was no doubt that I wouldn't - it was just a matter of timing....
In case you didn't guess, today is his birthday. He is exactly 82 days older than me. I lost sleep last night because I wanted to write a note on my phone saying, "Exactly 14 years ago, Arien (using his real name) was born. Happy birthday, my love," at 4:04 AM - I woke up at 3:51 and couldn't go back to sleep until about 4:35 or even later...
So, today, for his birthday, I sent him an ecard. Just one of those fun things that you can find on It wasn't a big deal, but I thought he might like it. Then I wished him another happy birthday at 11:02 AM and talked with him continuously for exactly 2 hours and 28 minutes (we beat the record, if you didn't notice!!!)
He said a lot of things that made me happy, we laughed a lot, and just had a great time. Now, if only I could see him again....
BTW, I should mention that I asked him whether or not he would go to stake dances now (in our religion, we're divided up into wards, stakes, regions, etc.) that he was 14, and he said probably not, since he doesn't really know anybody very well (the girls, that is) in his stake! He also said that if we were at school, he would go, but it's the stake.
Am I happy? Yes, very much so :)

Since this is the last post that I am planning to write on this blog (considering the fact that I reached my "goal", which was to plan every song lyric out in every post and end the blog on his birthday), I'll leave with a beautiful YouTube video that someone made along with this beautiful song that has led me and guided me this whole way: ~E~N~C~H~A~N~T~E~D~ by Taylor Swift

Thank you so much for coming to my blog. I might post once in a while, but they will most likely be few and far in between. As for now, so long!

PS He's been fourteen for 12 hours and forty minutes! ;)

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